What is Amazon PPC Advertising?

Amazon Ads is Amazon’s advertising platform that allows sellers, vendors, and brands to promote their products on the Amazon marketplace. It offers a variety of ad formats and targeting options to help businesses reach customers at different stages of their shopping journey.

What is Amazon PPC Advertising?

Amazon Ads primarily operates as a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform. Sellers, vendors, and brands create ads to promote their products, and they pay only when a customer clicks on an ad. Amazon uses a PPC system to determine ad placements and maximize ad relevance.

Amazon Ads Examples


This article details the three main PPC ad types—Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display Ads—explaining their benefits, placements, and targeting options, while also offering resources for maximizing ad performance.

Read more about Amazon Ads Examples

Ads Console

what is amazon ppc

This article explains how the Amazon Ads console works and introduces Advigator, a tool that simplifies the process by automating campaign creation, bid adjustments, and budget allocation, offering a more efficient way to manage Amazon Ads.

Read more about the Ads Console

Amazon Ads Software

Advigator homepage

To create, manage and optimize ad campaigns you can use the Amazon Ads console but if you have many products and want to scale you will find that it is soon limiting. This is why Amazon sellers often use external software that connects to their Amazon Ads account to manage Ads.

Learn more about Amazon Advertising Software.

Amazon PPC Glossary

The Amazon PPC glossary is an organized collection of terms and definitions related to Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. It helps users understand key concepts and metrics essential for tracking and optimizing PPC campaigns.

Read the [Amazon PPC Glossary(/amazon-ads-course/what-is-amazon-ppc/glossary)
