Ads optimization

Automated Budget Allocation Software for Amazon Ads

How automated budget allocation works in Advigator

Learn how our Amazon Ads software automatically adjusts the budget across different sub-campaigns to optimize efficiency without changing your total daily budget.

How Does Budget Allocation Work?

When using Advigator, you set a daily budget at the campaign group or product level. We then automatically allocate a percentage of that budget across your various ad types—Sponsored Products, Display, Brand, and Video—based on performance data.

For example, if you set a $100 daily budget, the allocation might look like this:


This allocation is dynamic and data-driven, meaning Advigator continuously analyzes campaign performance to adjust the percentages based on your actual spend and maximize efficiency.

How Are the Percentages Determined?

The main goal of Advigator’s automated budget allocation is to minimize unused budget. For instance, if your Sponsored Products campaign is running low on funds by the end of the day while your Sponsored Display campaign has leftover budget, we’ll automatically shift funds from Display to Products. This ensures your total daily budget is fully utilized without going over the limit you’ve set.

You might be wondering why we don’t factor in ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sales) when adjusting these percentages. The answer is that we manage ACoS through our bid optimization system, keeping the budget focus on spend efficiency.

What If I Don’t Have Historical Data?

No need to worry! If historical data isn’t available, Advigator sets initial budget percentages based on best practices for campaign types. Typically, manual Sponsored Products campaigns receive the highest percentage of the budget to help kick off your campaign successfully.

Can I Manually Adjust the Percentages?

Absolutely! You have full control over the budget allocation. You can modify the percentages at any time and even lock them in as fixed values if you prefer a manual approach.

By letting Advigator handle your budget allocation, you can ensure that every dollar is working efficiently across all your campaigns.