Listing optimization

Amazon Best Seller Rank (BSR)

Everything you need to know about BSR history on Amazon: how to track it, how to improve it, why it matters, and more.

BSR or best seller’s rank shows a product’s rank within a category based on sales. The lower the product’s BSR, the better its sales.

This is different from organic ranking which is based on how the product ranks in Amazon’s search for a specific keyword.

Keep reading to learn: how to find the BSR, how it’s calculated, how sellers can improve it, how it can be used to drive sales, and more.

How it works

  1. Install the Advigator Chrome Extension
  2. Go to (or any other countries)
  3. Navigate to an ASIN
  4. Click on the “charts” tab
  5. Click on “BSR”

Amazon listing generator

How is a BSR calculated?

We don’t know Amazon’s exact formula, but the factors that contribute to the BSR include:

-Competitive products

-Current and historic sales

-Product price changes


-Sales consistency

Sell more products = Improve your BSR

Review the BSR score along with impressions, clicks, click-through rate, and purchases. Together it will help you have a complete idea of how your product is selling and changes you should make to improve profitability.

The biggest influence on BSR is current sales trends & historical sales volume.

BSR is updated hourly. If for example, a product has 20 units of sales in 1 hour and 5 units of sales the next, it doesn’t automatically drop down to a BSR of products that sell 5 per hour. The algorithm will consider historical sales as well.

What is a good Best Sellers Rank on Amazon?

BSR depends on the category and usually products are listed in more than one category and have more than one BSR. For example, a toaster may appear under both “Oven & Toasters” and “Home & Kitchen.” A good BSR in “Home & Kitchen” may be a bad BSR in “Oven & Toasters.” Subcategory BSR includes niche products similar to your product so they are more relevant.

As a rule of thumb: if your product ranks within the top 20% of the category, it’s good.

To see sellers winning the BSR game, check out the Amazon Best Sellers list and the Amazon Movers & Shakers list (updated every 24 hours). By reviewing relevant categories you can spot trends and themes in customer reviews of high-ranking products.

How can sellers use BSR?

To monitor a jump in sales

A better BSR indicates a sales boost.

Amazon listing generator

To recognize a competitor is out of stock

BSR becomes worse when products are out of stock.

Amazon listing generator

To understand seasonality

BSR changes depending on seasonal shopping trends.

Amazon listing generator

How to improve Amazon BSR?

You need to outsell your competitors to boost your BSR. Every seller wants to rank #1-100 so they can be featured on the Best Seller List page and attract even more customers. Let’s see some ways sellers can improve their BSR.

8 Ways to Improve Your BSR:

  1. Amazon PPC advertising: Advertising increases product visibility which boosts sales and improves BSR. Keeping ads running generates consistent sales.
    1. Advigator PPC software simplifies the process and optimizes Amazon Ads
  2. Maximize your listing copy: To improve the searchability of your product and boost your conversation rate, maximize your product listing with relevant keywords and engaging copy.
    1. Check out our blog post on writing persuasive and impactful bullet points here
  3. Price competitively A strategic pricing strategy will help you sell more products and boost your BSR.
    1. Find our blog post on tracking price history on Amazon here
  4. Choose your product category carefully: BSR is compared to other products in the same category so choose the category carefully, and be as specific as possible.
  5. Refine your product images: Images, especially secondary images can help boost customer purchase confidence driving conversions which increases BSR.
    1. Read our blog post on effective strategies to enhance product images here
  6. Run promotions: Amazon seller promotions boost brand visibility and increase sales. These include lightning deals, coupons, prime exclusive discounts, and more.
    1. Review our blog post on price history here
  7. Consider FBA and Prime: 86% of sellers are already using it and customers appreciate the convenience.
  8. Proper inventory management: Make sure you have enough product supply to meet customer needs. Running out of stock negatively impacts your sales and leads to a decline in BSR.

In summary:

BSR helps sellers gauge the competitive landscape, understand sales, impress customers, plan selling strategies, and understand which products sell best in a category. To improve BSR you need to increase sales.

And PPC advertising campaigns drive sales. Click here to learn more about Advigator PPC software.